“As an Agile Coach and certified Mediator, I work with individuals and teams to help them identify the next step. As crafting good ways of working and living together is often a challenge it needs support. In the context of trainings , mediations and through the facilitation of workshops I provide exactly that.”
Depending on the initial situation and overall objectives, different formats are needed to collectively identify take the next step. I differentiate roughly between the following three formats: Mediation, Facilitation and Training/Agile Coaching.
More precisely:
As a member of the Scout Movement I have been on the move with groups for over 20 years. Whether on a hike in the alpine terrain, during a mediation or during the agile transformation of an organization: It is always important to make sure that nobody loses sight of the others, to focus on individuals and their needs and to focus on a common goal. Here and there I like to work together to identify good ways forward!